Area Guide


1 Terayama Park

From this park you can see the inner part of Aira Caldera and Kinko Bay, as well as Sakurajima. Inner Kinko Bay is a feature of the caldera which was created by Shirasu tableland following a large-scale eruption over 29,000 years ago.

Looking out from above, the Wakamiko Caldera is also found at the bottom of inner Kinko Bay, at a depth of over 200 meters. The north peak of Sakurajima is visible from this area, but the south peak is not quite so. This angle causes the volcano to appear in a shape more similar to that of Mt. Fuji. The alluvial fan at the foot of the volcano is also visible along Sakurajima’s northwestern slope.



  • 35 min. from Kagoshima Chuo Station by car
  • TEL 099-216-1366
  • Parking: 10 vehicles


2 Haragosha Shrine

This shrine was built in the new village of the people of the Kurokami Area after they resettled following a large eruption in the Edo Period (the Annei Eruption). The god from the shrine of their old home is enshrined here. The Haragosha Shrine currently in the Kurokami Area uses a different Chinese character for “Hara” but that change is said to have been made following the Meiji Period.

  • 30 min. from Kagoshima Chuo Station by car (no parking lot)


3 Sengan-en

The remains of the villa of Lord Shimadzu, the leader of the Satsuma Domain (former Kagoshima Prefecture), in the Edo Period the Shuseikan Project (Asia’s first group of Western-style factories) was carried out here.

Utilizing the concept of “borrowed scenery,” the garden incorporates Sakurajima which resembles a miniature hill, and Kinko Bay which resembles a lake to lend to its expansive and uniquely magnificent scenery. In 1958, Sengan-en was nationally designated as a place of scenic beauty. “Sangoku Meishozue” (The Geography of Southern Kyushu) which was written the Edo Period and showcases much of Sakurajima’s scenic beauty also features Sengan-en as one of the 8 beautiful sceneries of Kagoshima.

  • Right near the City View “Sengan-en (Iso Teien-mae)” bus stop
  • TEL: 099-247-1551
  • Fee: Adult 1,000 / Child 500
  • Hours: 8:30 – 17:30, 365 days a year
  • Parking: 500 vehicles (300 for cars)


4 Ishibashi Memorial Park

The volcanic rock seen throughout Kagoshima City is pyroclastic flow deposit produced from a caldera eruption which occurred in the Kagoshima rift valley. As it is relatively soft, this type of rock is easily processed into building stone and its use spurred the growth of Kagoshima’s rock culture.

A memorial park for the “Five Stone Bridges of Kotsuki River” built by Iwanaga Sangoro at the end of the Edo Period, only 3 of which remained after flooding. Those three (Nishida-bashi, Korei-bashi, and Tamae-bashi) were relocated and rebuilt. The Ishibashi Memorial Museum, located in the park, is a symbol of rock culture, introducing the five bridges’ history, how they were built, and more.

  • Right near the City View “Ishibashi Kinen Kouen-Mae” bus stop
  • TEL: 099-248-6661
  • Fee: Free
  • Hours: 9:00 – 17:00 (until 19:00 in July and August)
  • Closed: Mondays (or the following weekday if it is a public holiday), Dec. 31
  • Parking: Available


5 Shiroyama

Shirasu, a non-welded pyroclastic flow deposit, is a product of the Aira Caldera’s eruption and forms Kagoshima’s unique Shirasu tablelands. These tablelands have been used since old times in fields, farms, castles, etc.
Kagoshima’s distinctive castle, Kagoshima Castle utilized the Shirasu tableland to achieve its form. Shiroyama is what remains of the mountainside castle where the Satsuma Domain Lord Shimadzu resided.

  • Right near the City View Shiroyama-Iso Course “Shiroyama” bus stop
  • TEL 099-298-5111
  • Parking: 42 vehicles


6 Green Railways

The grass spanning alongside the city tram railways (8.9 km in length, with 30,000 m2 of grass used) combats the effects of heat island syndrome while giving the city a refreshed atmosphere. Utilizing a ground-breaking technique that allows Shirasu to be turned into concrete blocks, the “Shirasu greening bases” were created to retain water well, disperse heat, and be pressure-resistant. The Green Railways are beloved by the citizens for reducing the surface heat of the roads, and adding to the scenery of the city.

  • Found along railways from Kagoshima Station to the Namida-bashi tram stop area


7 Sakurajima Visitor Center

This facility plays a central role in introducing the Sakurajima-Kinkowan Geopark. Along with videos which introduce Sakurajima and Kinko Bay, there are also exhibits showing the volcano’s eruption history (lava spectrum and stratification), volcanic products (lava, ash deposits, and ash), vegetation succession over the lava, and sea creatures. There is also a project exhibition corner where exhibits planned around Sakurajima, volcanos, and more are held. An exhibition introducing geoparks in each region of Japan will also be held.

  • 750 m from Sakurajima Port (10 min. on foot)
  • TEL 099-293-2443
  • Fee: Free
  • Hours: 9:00 – 17:00, 365 days a year
  • Parking: 10 vehicles


8 Tsukiyomi Shrine

Tsukiyomi Shrine was buried under lava following the Taisho Eruption, but was rebuilt in its current location in 1940. The go-shintai (repository for the spirits for the gods) of the shrines on Sakurajima are all enshrined pointed toward the summit of the volcano. From this you can see the residents’ sense of awe with and veneration of the volcano as a god as they coexist with it. A stone tablet inscribed with the poetry of Kyoshi Takahama can also be found nearby.

  • 100m from Sakurajima Port (2 min. walk)
  • TEL 099-293-2109
  • Parking: 40 vehicles


9 Yogan Nagisa Trail

This 3km-long trail allows you to see the Taisho lava and the vegetation growing over it. It is also a good location to view the ocean, and has many creatures living in the rocky tidal flats. There is groundwater discharged  from the seafloor in areas along the coast, making some areas brackish-water regions. This environment also provides a home to an endangered species of fiddler crab.

  • 1 km from Sakurajima Port (10 min. on foot)
  • TEL 099-293-5111
  • Fee: Free
  • Hours: Always
  • Parking: 20 vehicles


10 Karasujima Observatory

This observatory was built atop the former island of Karasujima, which was buried in lava following the Taisho Eruption. The surroundings are entirely the Taisho lava, with Japanese black pine groves growing nearby. Kagoshima University’s experimental forest is also found nearby; it allows a glimpse at the process of forest restoration on lava plateaus previously thought to be sterile in the ultra-long-term.

  • 2 km from Sakurajima Port (25 min. on foot, 4 min. by car)
  • TEL 099-298-5111
  • Fee: Free
  • Hours: None
  • Parking: 20 vehicles


11 Yunohira Observatory

The observatory located nearest the summit of Sakurajima, the surface of the mountain is clearly visible. The difference in levels of valley-like abrasions on the north and south peaks make them visually distinct from one another.

One can infer the lifestyles of the people of Jomon, who lived alongside the volcano, and the disasters they faced through the archaeological sites, as well as view the volcano’s alluvial fan shape created by eroded sediment deposits.

From caldera eruptions to the Taisho Eruption to vegetation succession, the history of the end of the Edo Period, agriculture, and the daily lives of those living nearby, the scenery in this area has many stories to tell.

  • 10 km from Sakurajima Port (15 min. by car)
  • TEL 099-298-5111
  • Fee: Free
  • Hours: 9:00 – 17:00, 365 days a year
  • Parking: 30 vehicles


12 Sakurajima Ko-mikan Field

In the northwestern alluvial fan area of Sakurajima, the water drainage and sunlight are both good (due to the surface incline and light reflected off of Kinko Bay), allowing delicious citrus fruits to be produced.

Sakurajima ko-mikan (miniature mandarin oranges) are a beloved product of the alluvial fan area which was shaped by mudslides. There are trees older than 100 years, as well as trees which have produced as many as 24,649 ko-mikan at once. During the Edo Period, their quality was prized so highly that they were offered as tributes to the Shogun.

  • The harvest period is between December and January


13 Sakurajima Daikon Radish Field

This is a field of Sakurajima daikon radishes, which have been recorded in the Guinness Book as the world’s largest. The record-holding daikon radish was 31.1 kg (approx. 68.6 lb) with a circumference of 119 cm (approx. 46.8 in).

The soil of the fields is unique for being barren land mixed with pumice. This makes it easy to fertilize the earth and, combined with good water drainage, it is simple to control nutrients and moisture creating a good environment for raising daikon radishes.

  • The harvest period is between January and February


14 Tagiri (Volcanic hydrothermal activity)

This is a unique area where volcanic gas from the Wakamiko Caldera bubbles to the surface of the water. Local fishers call this “tagiri” which means “boiling.”

Tagiri allows you to experience firsthand the existence of this underwater volcano. The floor of this acidic body of water is a rare environment throughout the world, not only containing the habitat of the Lamellibrachia satsuma, a type of tubeworm (the shallowest depths for it in the world), but also volcanic hydrothermal vents, and rare metals (antimony, etc.).


15 Shinjima

At the time of the Annei Eruption in the Edo Period, there was an eruption from the sea floor as well. The magma from this eruption raised the seafloor, creating the new island of Shinjima. Rifts created when the island rose from the seafloor are still largely visible. 

The Shinjima pumice found on the island is a product of underwater pyroclastic flow which is estimated to date back at least 16,000 years to the activity of the Wakamiko Caldera. You can also see and actually touch the shellfish fossil deposits found here as well.


16 Kurokami View Spot

This view spot provides the best location to view the Showa Crater, which is still actively erupting. It is above the Showa Lava, allowing views of the lava banks and other volcanic landscapes, erosion control facilities, and vegetation succession.

Stories of how settlements of people here dismantled their homes and rebuilt them in new locations at the time of the Showa lava flow are still told.

  • 20 km from Sakurajima Port (30 min. by car), No parking


17 Kurokami Buried Shrine Gate

This gate serves as a monument to the disaster at the time of the dangerous Taisho Eruption. The accumulation of fallen pumice buried the gate 2 meters in just one day. Following the eruption, local residents attempted to unearth the gate, but the Mayor of their village stopped them, saying that it should be left as is as a reminder of the disaster for future generations. This precious reminder of the time of the eruption is still preserved in its buried condition.

  • 20 km from Sakurajima Port (30 min by car)
  • TEL: 099-298-5111
  • Parking: 7 vehicles


18 Sakurajima-guchi

This spot connects Sakurajima to the Osumi Peninsula of mainland Kagoshima. There are completely different types of growth on either end of this area, with a grove of Japanese black pine trees on the Sakurajima side, and a secondary forest of machilus trees on the Osumi Peninsula side. This can be understood as a difference in the nature of the soil in these areas.

The hamlet of Seto, which was buried under the Taisho lava, is where Japan’s first Western-style warship the Shouheimaru was built at the end of the Edo Period.

  • 14 km from Sakurajima Port (20 min. by car), No parking


19 Arimura Lava Observatory

This observatory allows you to view lave from both the Taisho and Showa eruptions. The 30 year gap between the eruptions is distinguishable from the gap in the progress of the surrounding vegetation. Here you can view andesite block lava, rhyolite lava dome, Shirasu tableland created from pyroclastic flow, and more volcanic landforms up close.

  • 11.5 km from Sakurajima Port (20 min. by car)
  • TEL: 099-298-5111
  • Parking: 15 vehicles


20 Higashi-Sakurajima Elementary School/Sakurajima Eruption Memorial

The warning signs of the Taisho Eruption, the state of the following disaster, and how to prepare for such an event are all carved into this stone memorial.
“Do not trust theories, it is most vital to prepare to take shelter after witnessing an unusual event,” the monument says in a judgment of the local meteorological station and stressing preparation. It is also called the anti-science monument.

  • 6 km from Sakurajima Port (10 min. by car), No parking


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